Battening down the Hatches! Hydro's November

November is here, and turns out all those crazy people who have been saying it forever were right...  the world is ending.  With the most unlikely Apocalypse ever.

No-one thought it possible, but an orange hair-piece is now leader of the free world.  And unfortunately, for us that live down here under the world, that was just the beginning of a bad week.

Earthquakes hit all over the south of NZ.  Shaky in the extreme.  Poor folks down south got it the worst, but we still had damage and scariness here in Wellington too.


Yes, the entire country is on a massive faultline.  Damn.

This was us the other night, when the first big one hit.

Then, in some exceptional timing from mother nature, we have some nifty storms and torrential rain!  Brilliant!  Now my firewood is wet and I am grumpy about it.

But, the silver lining has been that I've had to go and check on our NEW WORKSHOP SPACE after all these sub-optimal happenings...  which we have moved into last week!  Very excite!

People with very small humans in the household may understand that at times, it can be a bit hard to keep things organised...

But our wee converted workshop under the house, being scarcely large enough to turn around in let alone swing a cat in (which I wouldnt!), has been so crammed full of construction equipment that frankly, as our product line has developed, its been getting a bit out of hand.  We have shelves on shelves and tables in/on/under our tables down there.

So, more space in our new workshop is amazing.  Here it is in all it's current glory, a work in progress. 

Pumping out Rainbows and Unicorns!  Still small ay?  You should have seen the old one.

With all this space, we will be able to push out our newest products, super awesome polyurethane gloves!  We have been through about 4 different design prototype iterations, and what we have ended up with is very sweet.  We call it the NINJA!  Here it is...  coming to an internet near you very soon.

The padding is low volume, but the material is very dense which gives good protection. The segmented design gives good coverage and incredible flexibilty, and the rubber is much stronger than silicones, making it durable on rough bottoms.  We can even look at putting a super-tough shell over the contact surfaces for very rough pool bottoms.  Very excited about getting these cranking out.

Coming into the Christmas season, we will be holding a wee sale next week for black friday, so look out for that.  Cant believe how fast this year has gone.  And we are also in the process of getting some gift-cards available, for the odd stocking filler that can beat the inevitable postal collapse.

Happy November!  Here's to mother nature easing up a bit as we head into Summer!


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